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My House in Gold Canyon

These were photos taken by me with my Canon Digital Rebel. More detailed interior photos were taken by my father with my old CP4300 (4mp) while I was busy signing my name to tons of paperwork.



Pedestrian Gate



Left onto my street :)


Desert Preserve

She's Got Big... Tracks of Land!

Front door & Patio

"The birds convey"

Front door, closer


Planter & Backyard

Outdoor Planter


Select the image to get a larger view.
All images & movies copyright 1996-2009 HMS
Reproduction or distribution expressely forbidden.
If you want to use some photo(s) and/or movie(s) somewhere, please contact me prior to doing so.

© 1996-2010. Do not link to images here; you will not get the image you're leeching (and costing me money by doing so)
Use a free image hosting service instead. Thanks.