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Expand your vocabulary and feed a hungry person!

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better [ !pout -a !cry ]

better [ !shout ]

cat /etc/why

santa_claus << north_pole    town

cat /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $1}' list

/usr/bin/check list

/usr/bin/check list

cat list | sgrep naughty    /dev/coal

cat list | sgrep nice    /dev/presents

santa_claus << north_pole    town

who | sgrep sleeping

who | sgrep awake

who | sgrep bad

who | sgrep good

for goodness sake;do

be good


better [ !pout -a !cry ]

better [ !shout ]

cat /etc/why

santa_claus << north_pole    town

(© 1996-2010. Please don't link to images here; bandwidth costs money. Thanks.)