![]() Download this file Unix Wizard -- to the tune of Pinball Wizard Ever since I heard of Unix I've always had a ball, From Berkeley up to Linux I must've run 'em all; But I ain't seen nothing like him On systems large or small That tired, squinting, blind kid Sure makes a mean sys call! He sits just like a statue, Like part of the machine, Feeling all the limits, Knows what signals mean, Hacks by intuition, His process never stalls, That tired, squinting, blind kid Sure makes a mean sys call! He's a Unix Wizard, I just can't get the gist A Unix wizard's Got such a mental twist. How do you think he does it? I don't know! What makes him so good? Ain't got no distractions, Don't hear no biffs or bells, Don't see no lights a flashin' Ignores his sense of smell, Patches running kernels Dumps no core at all, That tired, squinting, blind kid Sure makes a mean sys call! I thought I was The process table king, But I've just handed My root password to him. Even on my own hot boxes, His hacks can beat my best. The network leads him in, And he just does the rest. He's got crazy Finger servers Never will seg-fault... That tired, squinting, blind kid Sure makes a mean sys call!