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Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)

whatever painted part taught deeply enclosed in mother earth
life born addict breathe angel whatever paint it up so closer
to farther apart meat seeking missiles consuming rain forest
infested veins the river flow urban needle inject carcinogen
chemicals relieve the stress slows consumer rotting sight no
taste odorless clear seeping water poisoning all producing
nothing intelligent to cause disease human breed in self
perpetuating whatever close at hand finger cramp virtuoso
closet problem epileptic machines shudder shock who is over
who is on top malformed earth born shake all is a disease
biped walk so straight earth can be so giving as it can be
irrate what if to burn up and out with illing over doubt
sight no taste odorless fda recommends to take daily
allowance of them 26 unknown carcinogens 26 unknown cancer
causing supplements infested chemicals fda virtuoso closet
problem whatever to plot or build to self destruct the so
called lesser beast exhibits harmony walk straight biped
relate walking disease green is the grass of survival feeding
the cows that they dine on all is a disease human disease

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