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            Tin Omen

            every truncheon hit misguided the peoples army divided united
            stance amped out war dance what a ride inner thought of non
            violent rebellion outside dare to die stand and fight show
            faith return all the weapons government says use them right
            fixed action set in motion doubting amnesia potion what to
            hide red carpet ride guessing right the jokes on dark corner
            the square you bath once a week distorted the viewpoint
            seldom seen wayback in 68 ohio kent state was nothing so
            great have of have not forcing the point shot in the back
            take it back down trod soldier away flower power within kill
            me kill this way of life and be known one by one they'll be
            coming down altogether sister machine gun automatic high what
            a ride what a trip tripped over the candlestick tanks arrive
            fire wall got to keep the camera alive tell the world whats
            going on here warning shots are fired at the stomach chest
            wound coed falls amped out amped out changing guns for brooms
            the guards change to clean up crews way back in 68 every
            thing was so great no way wrong date keep up the trade
            balanced charade close circuit truth used to remove keep the
            camera alive

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