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Hilarious (sometimes) AIM Conversations

Feel free to rate the below AIM conversations based on humor content, moon phase, oil status, solar flares, etc.

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2003-03-06 [+] (-102) [-]

(09:01:19) Erik: i feel like shit today
(09:02:23) hmspgh: whats that feel like ?
(09:02:35) hmspgh: see, ive never felt shit. ive looked at shit. ive smelled shit. never touched it.
(09:02:38) Erik: well my eyes are heavy
(09:03:09) Erik: U never had a dog or a cat?
(09:03:12) hmspgh: nope
(09:03:51) Erik: Well then shit can have all kinds of feelings depending on its current state
(09:04:37) Erik: You have shit before, so I am going to assume that you can relate to what I am saying here to some degree
(09:05:25) Erik: Basically.....just as there are different states of your shit, there are different states of feeling like shit.
(09:06:08) Erik: today I would venture to say that I am feeling likeyour ordinary day to day shit.
(09:06:42) Erik: Unless of course you are one of thousands of americans who suffer from irratable bowel syndrome
(09:07:03) Erik: in which case I would feel better than thier day to day ordinary shits