![]() Hilarious (sometimes) AIM ConversationsIf you don't understand the rating system you have deep issues. Yes I rewrote it to be easier and resemble QDB. To stop being a whore and go check out all the funnies, go here 2004-09-15 [+] (-298) [-] (02:05:49) Shawn Wall: "State law requires people convicted of peeping, voyeurism or aggravated voyeurism to register with the S.C. Law Enforcement Division's sex offender registry every year for the rest of their lives." (02:05:53) Shawn Wall: only in the u.s. (02:05:57) Shawn Wall: if you look at a naked women (02:06:00) Shawn Wall: you're evil, for life (02:06:08) Shawn Wall: LIEK OMG (02:06:10) Shawn Wall: BOOBIES (02:06:16) hmspgh: aggravated voyeurism ? (02:06:23) hmspgh: I'M REALLY FUCKING LOOKING AT YOU, BITCH |