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Hilarious (sometimes) AIM Conversations

Feel free to rate the below AIM conversations based on humor content, moon phase, oil status, solar flares, etc.

If you don't understand the rating system you have deep issues. Yes I rewrote it to be easier and resemble QDB.

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2004-09-15 [+] (-149) [-]

(02:14:26) Shawn Wall: not just fire ants
(02:14:29) Shawn Wall: floating balls of fire ants
(02:14:40) Shawn Wall: "Severe flooding in area bayous also forces out wildlife, including poisonous snakes and stinging fire ants, which sometimes gather in floating balls carried by the current. "
(02:15:43) Shawn Wall: dood thats gonna be wild
(02:15:51) Shawn Wall: new orleans is gonna get fuxxed hardcore
(02:15:56) hmspgh: floating balls of snakes and fire ants
(02:16:08) Shawn Wall: they dont have those in PA
(02:16:13) hmspgh: or Maine
(02:16:21) hmspgh: wow
(02:16:31) hmspgh: i mean, can it honestly get any worse than a floating ball of snakes and fire ants ?
(02:16:43) hmspgh: while being doused in industrial chemicals and sewage ?
(02:16:50) hmspgh: why not just say 'the worst thing imaginable' ?
(02:17:04) Shawn Wall: you could have leeches on your balls