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Hilarious (sometimes) AIM Conversations

Feel free to rate the below AIM conversations based on humor content, moon phase, oil status, solar flares, etc.

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2005-07-13 [+] (-156) [-]

[15:30] Jason W.: I also heard tha tthere are ALOT of people that once lived in FL moving to SC because they are sick of the hurricanes and stufff
[15:30] Howie: yeah but that means housing in florida is cheap :)
[15:32] Jason W.: one would think ;) except there are always suckers willing to move to FL
[15:32] Howie: mexicans here, cubans there... the only diff is the humidity
[15:32] Jason W.: which I HATE!
[15:32] Jason W.: I could stand SC for a couple weeks a year because of good golf and the ocean...but I could never live there.
[15:33] Howie: ... because of the cubans ?
[15:33] Jason W.: humidity
[15:33] Howie: caused by the cubans
[15:33] Jason W.: they sweat alot?
[15:33] Howie: florida was great until elian gonzales stepped in
[15:33] Howie: now its crazy humid with a hurricane every other day