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Hilarious (sometimes) AIM Conversations

Feel free to rate the below AIM conversations based on humor content, moon phase, oil status, solar flares, etc.

If you don't understand the rating system you have deep issues. Yes I rewrote it to be easier and resemble QDB.

To stop being a whore and go check out all the funnies, go here

2007-07-16 [+] (-24) [-]

Howie: roflol
Jim K: When you type ROFLOL do you actually imagine rolling around giggling? On the floor?
Jim K: Because I think of that muppet Rolf.
Jim K: The brown piano playing dog with floppy ears.
Howie: but thats rolls on laughing floor
Howie: very indian
Howie: (scalping kind, not the take-your-job kind)