Hilarious (sometimes) AIM ConversationsIf you don't understand the rating system you have deep issues. Yes I rewrote it to be easier and resemble QDB. To stop being a whore and go check out all the funnies, go here 2009-09-15 [+] (-120) [-] Doug [2:37 PM]: what's with the StudentCourseOffering.canDropCourse() method? Howie [2:38 PM]: i dont know, whats with it ? Doug [2:38 PM]: you and lakshmi made the changes a while back for team maintenence day Doug [2:38 PM]: http://jira/browse/GS-4426 (the page says as its second line "Removed usages of methods from deprecated CosChecker.java. Deleted cos package and its contents.") Howie [2:38 PM]: Removed usages of methods from deprecated CosChecker.java. Deleted cos package and its contents. Doug [2:39 PM]: you are lucky i don't have arms which are 5 feet longer or i'd slap you from my seat Howie [2:39 PM]: in that case i will taunt you a second time |