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Hilarious (sometimes) AIM Conversations

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2011-10-14 [+] (-67) [-]

Andy 1:06 PM: come to think of it, I'm going to alias stfu to sudo
Howie 1:07 PM: if only aliases could be multiple words
Howie 1:07 PM: alias stfu and="sudo"
Howie 1:07 PM: stfu and ls /root

2011-06-21 [+] (-149) [-]

Andy A. 6/20/11 3:06 PM
it's a good time of year for bacon
I just installed porcelain tile on a countertop in my back yard. I have high hopes for being able to spray it with Pam and cook eggs right on top.
The more I think about this, the more I think I'd like to have a griddle suspended at the focal point of a large parabolic solar collector. On a sunny day, you could get some stuff cooked in a hurry.

Howie S. 6/20/11 3:48 PM
you've thought of this often ?

Andy A. 6/20/11 3:48 PM
oh, you have no idea what goes on inside my head.
It just seems like there should be some up-side to all this heat.

Howie S. 6/20/11 3:49 PM
i thought the girls in the bikinis _WAS_ the upside

Andy A. 6/20/11 3:49 PM
Like I should half-bury peltier devices ... or float them in my pool. I wonder how much power I could make.

Howie S. 6/20/11 3:49 PM
doesnt your pool get like bathwater this time of year ?

Andy A. 6/20/11 3:50 PM
If I had a big enough solar collector, and a big recirculating system of oil or glycogen or something... could I run an air-conditioner in reverse?
evaporate coolant and collect electricity as it condenses?
My pool is still <80 deg F
When does off-peak elecricity get cheap enough that I can use it to pump water up a hill then use it to generate elecricity to offset my on-peak usage?

Howie S. 6/20/11 3:56 PM
probably at around midnight or 8pm or something
you're with SRP yes?

Andy A. 6/20/11 3:57 PM
I think it's a question of efficiency. It would have to be maybe 90% cheaper, and I'm not sure it is.
Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong: I need to use solar power to offset my daytime usage and leave it at that.
I want to build a sundial on the wall in my back yard. Then I want to rig up a moving spotlight that circles it at night.
Then I would have the world's only sundial that works 24 hours a day!
(outside the [ant]arctic circles)
I think I want to run a dryer hose under the center console of my truck so I can redirect some of that sweet A/C air inside the driver seat.
I also want to build a solar oven that doesn't focus on peak efficiency, but works more like a crock-pot. If you know the weather forecast, you know how many hours it will take to cook your roast.
IM clients should have a way to just send a virtual headphone jack to someone you're talking to so they can hear what you're hearing.
I should write an iPhone app that helps people organize the process of cooking multiple dishes simultaneously with handy kitchen gantt charts.
This is what it's like in my head all the time. I have a wealth of (mostly terrible) ideas that i never mention.
If I mentioned them, I'd just be all talk anyway. Now I'm mostly all-think.
Someone should make a bit-coin-style currency, but good for a beer at participating merchants.